Francesca Iandolo 教授于 1994 年毕业于罗马第一大学,获得企业管理经济学和金融研究博士学位,并于 1995 年入职罗马第一大学,目前为经济学院教师。Francesca Iandolo 教授主要研究方向为可持续性和商业道德管理、系统理论、价值理论。
1. 经济与商务管理
2. 企业重组
3. 公司的创新与组织
Francesca Iandolo 教授从教以来,已出版学术著作多部,并在《Journal of Business Market Management》等重要期刊发表学术论文多篇。主要学术成果如下:
1. Bassano C, Barile S, Piciocchi P, et al. Storytelling about places: Tourism marketing in thedigital age[J]. Cities, 2019, 87: 10-20.
2. Barile S, Carrubbo L, Iandolo F, et al. From'EGO'to'ECO'in B2B relationships[J].jbm-Journal of Business Market Management, 2013, 6(4): 228-253.
3. Barile S, Saviano M, Iandolo F, et al. The viable systems approach and its contribution to the analysis of sustainable business behaviors[J]. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 2014, 31(6):683-695.
4. Calabrese M, Iandolo F, Caputo F, et al. From mechanical to cognitive view: The changes of decision making in business environment[M]//Social Dynamics in a Systems Perspective. Springer,Cham, 2018: 223-240.
5. Carrubbo L, Iandolo F, Pitardi V, et al. The viable decision maker for CAS survival: how tochange and adapt through fitting process[J]. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 2017.
6. Iandolo F, Barile S, Armenia S, et al. A system dynamics perspective on a viable systemsapproach definition for sustainable value[J]. Sustainability Science, 2018, 13(5): 1245- 1263.
7. Barile S, Quattrociocchi B, Calabrese M, et al. Sustainability and the viable systems approach:Opportunities and issues for the governance of the territory[J]. Sustainability, 2018, 10(3): 790.
8. Iandolo F, Fulco I, Bassano C, et al. Managing a tourism destination as a viable complexsystem. The case of Arbatax Park[J]. Land Use Policy, 2019, 84: 21-30.
9. Iandolo F, Calabrese M, Antonucci E, et al. Towards a value co-creation based healthcare system[C]//The 2013 Naples Forum on Service. Service Dominant Logic, Networks & SystemsTheory and Service Science: Integrating three Perspective for a new Service Agenda. 2013: 61.
10. Simone C, Iandolo F, Fulco I, et al. Rome was not built in a day. Resilience and the eternal city: Insights for urban management[J]. Cities, 2021, 110: 103070.
11. Farioli F, Barile S, Saviano M, et al. Re-reading sustainability through the Triple Helix model in the frame of a systems perspective[J]. The SAGE Handbook of Nature. SAGE, London, 2018: 10-37.
12. Barile S, Calabrese M, Iandolo F. Sostenibilità E Paradigmi Service-Based: Possibilità E Criticità Per L'Economia D'Impresa (Sustainability and Service-Based Paradigms: Possibilities and Problems for Business Economics)[J]. Sviluppo e Organizzazione, 2013 (252).
13. Barile S, Polese F, Calabrese M, et al. A theoretical framework for measuring value creation based on Viable Systems Approach (VSA)[J]. Barile, S.(a cura di), Contributions to Theoretical and Practical Advances in Management, Viable Systems Approach, ARACNE Editrice, Roma, 2013.
14. Iandolo F, Loia F, Fulco I, et al. Combining Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Managing Collective Knowledge in Unpredictable Environment—Insights from the Chinese Case in Facing COVID- 19[J]. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2020: 1- 15.
15. Sciarelli M, Cosimato S, Landi G, et al. Socially responsible investment strategies for the transition towards sustainable development: the importance of integrating and communicating ESG[J]. The TQM Journal, 2021.