Giulio Guarini





Giulio Guarini 老师于毕业于罗马一大经济学院,获得经济学博士学位,目前为经济学院副教授。Giulio Guarini 老师主要研究方向为经济发展、人类发展、环境可持续发展、创新和不平等问题。




Giulio Guarini 老师从教以来,已出版学术著作多部,并在《Ecological Economics》等重要期刊发表学术论文多篇。主要学术成果如下:

1. Fabrizi A, Guarini G, Meliciani V. Green patents, regulatory policies and research networkpolicies[J]. Research Policy, 2018, 47(6): 1018- 1031.

2. Tarabusi E C, Guarini G. An unbalance adjustment method for development indicators[J].Social indicators research, 2013, 112(1): 19-45.

3. Althouse  J,  Guarini  G,  Porcile  J  G.  Ecological  macroeconomics  in  the  open  economy: Sustainability, unequal exchange and policy coordination in a center-periphery model[J]. EcologicalEconomics, 2020, 172: 106628.

4.  Guarini  G,  Porcile  G.   Sustainability  in   a  post-Keynesian   growth  model   for  an  openeconomy[J]. Ecological Economics, 2016, 126: 14-22.

5. Guarini G, Laureti T, Garofalo G. Socio-institutional determinants of educational resource efficiency  according  to  the  capability  approach:  An  endogenous  stochastic  frontier  analysis[J].Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 2020, 71: 100835.

6.   Guarini   G,    Garofalo   G,    Moschetti   A.   Reti   d’impresa    ambientali   e    innovazione:un’applicazione per l’Italia[J]. Argomenti, 2017 (8): 5-26.

7. Guarini G. La funzione di produttività di Sylos Labini tra mercato e territorio: un'analisieconometrica per le regioni italiane[J]. Moneta e Credito, 2007, 60(238).

8. Galwey A K, Spinicci R, Guarini G G T. Nucleation and growth processes occurring during the dehydration of certain alums: the generation, the development and the function of the reaction interface[J]. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences,1981, 378(1775): 477-505.

9. Fabrizi A,  Guarini  G,  Meliciani  V. Public knowledge partnerships  in  European research projects and knowledge creation across R&D institutional sectors[J]. Technology analysis & strategicmanagement, 2016, 28(9): 1056- 1072.

10.  Guarini  G,  Laureti  T,  Garofalo  G.  Territorial  and  individual  educational  inequality:  ACapability Approach analysis for Italy[J]. Economic Modelling, 2018, 71: 247-262.

11. Luìs G, Giulio G, Gabriel P. Environmental innovations, income distribution, international competitiveness and environmental policies: a Kaleckian growth model with a balance of paymentsconstraint[J]. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2020, 53: 16-25.

12.  Tarabusi  E  C,  Guarini  G.  An  axiomatic  approach  to  decoupling  indicators  for  greengrowth[J]. Ecological Indicators, 2018, 84: 515-524.

13. Guarini G. Complementarity between environmental efficiency and labour productivity in acumulative growth process[J]. PSLQuarterly Review, 2015, 68(272).

14. Guarini G. Labour productivity and technological capability: an econometric analysis on the Italian regions[J]. Geography, Structural Change and Economic Development: Theory and Empirics,Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2009: 280-303.

15. Botti F, Corsi M, Guarini G. Lo Stato come ‘fornitore’d’investimenti sociali (State as SocialInvestments Provider)[J]. Moneta e Credito, 2016, 69(273): 89- 108.

16. Guarini G, Zacchia G. Sviluppo economico e sviluppo civile: attualità del pensiero di Paolo Sylos Labini  (Economic  and  civil  development  on Paolo  Sylos  Labini’s  footsteps)[J].  Moneta  eCredito, 2020, 73(292): 279-283.

17.  Guarini  G,  Molini  V,  Rabellotti  R.  Is  Korea  catching  up?  An  analysis  of  the  labourproductivity growth in South Korea[J]. Oxford Development Studies, 2006, 34(3): 323-339.

18. Tarabusi E C, Guarini G. Level dependence of the adjustment for unbalance and inequalityfor the human development index[J]. Social Indicators Research, 2016, 126(2): 527-553.

19.  Corsi  M,  Guarini  G.  Measuring  progress  of  Italian  regions:  A  classical  approach[J].EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía, 2011, 78(03): 340-367.