Valentina Lagasio





Valentina Lagasio 老师,毕业于意大利罗马一大获得银行和金融博士学位,目前为管理学院研究员。Valentina Lagasio 老师主要研究方向为银行、金融、资本市场。




Valentina Lagasio 老师从教以来,已出版学术著作多部,并在《Annals of Finance》等重要期刊发表学术论文多篇。主要学术成果如下:

1.  Cucari, N., Lagasio, V., Lia, G., & Torriero, C. (2021). The impact of blockchain in bankingprocesses: the Interbank Spunta case study. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 1- 13.

2.  Russo, V., Lagasio, V., Brogi, M., & Fabozzi, F. J. (2020). Application of the Merton model to estimate the probability of breaching the capital requirements under Basel III rules. Annals  ofFinance, 16(1), 141- 157.

3.  Lagasio, V., & Brogi, M. (2020). Market reaction to banks ’ interim press releases: an eventstudy analysis. Journal of Management and Governance, 1-25.

4.  Brogi,  M.,  Lagasio,  V.,  &  Pesic,  V.  (2020).  Can  governance  help  in  making  an  IPO “successful”?  New  evidence  from  Europe.  Journal  of  International  Financial  Management   &Accounting, 31(3), 239-269.

5.  Lagasio,   V.,   &   Cucari,  N.   (2019).   Corporate   governance   and   environmental   social governance disclosure: A metaanalytical review. Corporate Social Responsibility and EnvironmentalManagement, 26(4), 701-711.

6.  Brogi, M., & Lagasio, V. (2019). Lights in the shadows: exploring the need for regulation inshadow banking. International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, 12(2), 205-225.

7.  Brogi,  M.,  &  Lagasio,  V.  (2019).  Do  bank  boards  matter?  A  literature  review  on  the  characteristics of banks' Board of Directors. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics,13(3), 244-274.